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June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes

June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes By Clive Tsuma The 38R Geary Rapid will run every 6 minutes starting June 10 Starting Saturday, June 10, the SFMTA will be adding Muni service on several lines to address crowding, wait times and to support increased summer tourism. We’re also making some stop changes to serve more customers and make the service more accessible and reliable.  Increased Service  To address crowding and reduce pass-ups, we’re adding service on the 1 California between Clay and Drumm streets and California Street and Presidio Avenue – where demand is highest – on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  We’re also going to be starting service earlier on the 1X California Express, at 7:30 a.m. instead of 8 a.m., in response to customer feedback, as well as adding stops at Cherry, Spruce and Laurel streets and Presidio Avenue.   We’re also extending the evening service to the Presidio at 30 Stockton seven days a week. The last trip from the Sports

Improving Safety and Access to Golden Gate Park

Improving Safety and Access to Golden Gate Park
By Chava Kronenberg

Photo of girl on scooter, man holding child's hand walking, and a person on a bicycle in Golden Gate ParkToday, the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department (RPD) and the SFMTA are jointly launching the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program, an effort to consider a post-pandemic set of closed or restricted access streets and mobility choices in San Francisco’s most iconic park.

During the first weeks of the pandemic, RPD closed JFK Drive on the east side of the park to drivers, following up with additional segments on the west side including Middle Drive and MLK. Closing these streets in 2020 was a step in decades of reducing the number of streets for cars in the park, and furthered a long conversation about opening JFK Drive to people walking, biking, scooting, rolling, dancing, and skating.

We’ve been monitoring and learning from the current car-free streets in the park. Since the closure, we’ve seen almost 7 million walking, biking, and rolling trips on JFK Drive, representing a 36% increase in people visiting the Park on the car-free route (compared to pre-pandemic visits).  With the elimination of cut-through traffic there have been no serious injury collisions on the car-free route (there were more than 50 such collisions over the 5 years prior). We have also seen faster transit service on the 44 O’Shaughnessy Muni line, which travels through the Music Concourse and serves the Bayview & Excelsior neighborhoods.

However, in addition to these successes, there have been access challenges for popular destinations and for park visitors in the disability community. The purpose of the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program is to bring a broad array of project proposals that can make access to the park even better than before the COVID closure while still retaining the traffic safety and park experience improvements we’ve experienced.

So now we’re ready to ask you:

  • Which streets should be closed to cars post-pandemic in Golden Gate Park?
  • What new or improved mobility options can be implemented to make these closures work for everyone?

Today, we’re launching our public outreach process through the GGP Access and Safety Online Open House, and with scheduled virtual information sessions and in-park tours. The proposals include potential street closures within Golden Gate Park, improved access to mobility services like the park shuttle, taxis, bikeshare, scootershare, pedicabs and more.

The upcoming public events include:

You can also contact us at GGPAccess@sfmta.com if you’d like a presentation for your organization, or to give us direct feedback. More information about how to engage in the program and the overall effort is on our webpage. We look forward to working with you to make Golden Gate Park safe and accessible for everyone.




Published September 22, 2021 at 07:49PM


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Celebrity Voice Announcements Welcome Back Muni Riders

June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes

New T Third Connecting Chinatown to Sunnydale Starts Saturday