
नवंबर 17, 2021 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

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June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes

June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes By Clive Tsuma The 38R Geary Rapid will run every 6 minutes starting June 10 Starting Saturday, June 10, the SFMTA will be adding Muni service on several lines to address crowding, wait times and to support increased summer tourism. We’re also making some stop changes to serve more customers and make the service more accessible and reliable.  Increased Service  To address crowding and reduce pass-ups, we’re adding service on the 1 California between Clay and Drumm streets and California Street and Presidio Avenue – where demand is highest – on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  We’re also going to be starting service earlier on the 1X California Express, at 7:30 a.m. instead of 8 a.m., in response to customer feedback, as well as adding stops at Cherry, Spruce and Laurel streets and Presidio Avenue.   We’re also extending the evening service to the Presidio at 30 Stockton seven days a week. The last trip from the Sports

4th and King Overhead Line Installation Starts November 17, 2021

4th and King Overhead Line Installation Starts November 17, 2021 By Enrique Aguilar Heads up! Installation of overhead line equipment at 4th and King streets starts Nov. 17. Consider taking an alternative route if driving through the area as work for the Central Subway will require detouring traffic. N Judah and T Third rail service will be served by buses starting at approximately 9 p.m. each night that work is performed. Crews are scheduled to work during nighttime to reduce traffic and Muni service disruption while overhead lines and accessories are installed that will tie the new Central Subway system to the existing T Third Street line. A test train will verify Overhead Catenary System (OCS) installation, which is how zero-emissions electrical power is supplied to light rail vehicles. Electrical work will start at approximately 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 17, and should conclude Saturday, Nov. 20. Rail service will resume on schedule Thursday and Friday mornings. Saturday and Su

San Francisco's Taxi Medallion Program Moves Onward

San Francisco's Taxi Medallion Program Moves Onward By In early October, a San Francisco jury found that the SFMTA did not breach its taxi medallion program Lender Agreements with the San Francisco Federal Credit Union.  Throughout this litigation, the SFMTA has continued to focus its attention on supporting purchased medallion holders and drivers.  In fact, over a year ago, the SFMTA made an offer to settle the lawsuit by providing millions of dollars in loan forgiveness to medallion holders.  Unfortunately, the SF Credit Union opted to continue its lawsuit against us.  With the trial now behind us, we are hopeful that the Credit Union will engage in the necessary dialogue with us and agree to participate in a loan forgiveness program.  We understand the challenges faced by individuals who purchased taxi medallions.  Specifically, the fixed $250,000 price for a medallion is unsustainable, and needs to be lowered. Unfortunately, the SF Credit Union's Lender Agreement require