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June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes

June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes By Clive Tsuma The 38R Geary Rapid will run every 6 minutes starting June 10 Starting Saturday, June 10, the SFMTA will be adding Muni service on several lines to address crowding, wait times and to support increased summer tourism. We’re also making some stop changes to serve more customers and make the service more accessible and reliable.  Increased Service  To address crowding and reduce pass-ups, we’re adding service on the 1 California between Clay and Drumm streets and California Street and Presidio Avenue – where demand is highest – on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  We’re also going to be starting service earlier on the 1X California Express, at 7:30 a.m. instead of 8 a.m., in response to customer feedback, as well as adding stops at Cherry, Spruce and Laurel streets and Presidio Avenue.   We’re also extending the evening service to the Presidio at 30 Stockton seven days a week. The l...

Reconnecting San Francisco Across Streets and Freeways

Reconnecting San Francisco Across Streets and Freeways

artist rendition of imagined streetscape with trains, cars, bicycles and pedestrians

With limited space on San Francisco city streets, how can we ensure that current and future transportation options remain accessible and affordable to all?

The San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA), the SFMTA and the San Francisco Planning Department are collaborating through ConnectSF in creating a template for an equitable, sustainable and effective future. Their Streets and Freeways Strategy examines approaches that support San Francisco’s Transit-First, Vision Zero, climate action, and equity goals.  The strategy complements the Transit Investment Strategy released in April 2021.

SFMTA staff provided expertise in developing the strategy and is leading the Active Transportation component, exploring ways to build a connected network of bike and pedestrian routes across the city that make biking and walking safe and enjoyable. SFMTA staff from across the agency also developed strategies to manage our limited street space effectively, focusing on moving the most people with space-efficient and low-polluting modes, and prioritizing people who have the fewest choices..

To learn about ConnectSF’s strategy for connecting neighborhoods, supporting the economy and creating a more welcoming environment, join their virtual town hall on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 5:30 pm-6:30 pm . That event will give participants insight into investing in San Francisco’s streets, prioritizing transit and carpooling, building out a complete walking and biking network, targeting safety, and repairing historical harms to communities.

To read more and provide feedback, visit the Strategy and complete the survey by July 31, 2021.

Published July 15, 2021 at 04:15AM


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June 10 Muni Service Changes Adds Service on Connector Routes